Thursday, April 4, 2013

Papa's Got a Brand New Blog

I deleted it all.

The award-nomination reaction pieces that took a thousand words to say "I haven't seen any of the nominees," my half-assed re-posts of other people's movie reviews, even my heartfelt obituary for the late, great Ronnie James Dio. All deleted, in the name of giving this long-neglected blog and its long-neglected creator a fresh start.

From this day forward, the blog formerly known as "Patthoughts" will no longer be a directionless repository for whatever half-formed thoughts are half-rummaging around in my head, but the official Internet home of Galaxy City and all its denizens. The plan now is to focus on short pieces about the city and its people, to exercise some long-dormant fiction muscles, though I'm sure I'll still occasionally weigh in with an opinion piece here or there when one demands to be written.

I'm going to try and follow the lead of some of the more productive bloggers of whom I'm aware and get at least something up every day. It's very possible that this may prove far too ambitious a goal for me, but recent events seem to have woken me up to the fact that I need to simply get writing, and that's easier for me when I know the results are going somewhere where people can read them.

So read them, or I'll feel like quite the idiot.

Stay tuned...

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